ARCTIC wächst und verlegt den Braunschweiger Firmensitz

ARCTIC has relocated its German headquarters to Braunschweig Querum. The newly renovated offices and storage area opened on 22 May 2018, just a few kilometres from the previous location.

"ARCTIC's constant growth and the rising number of employees have made it necessary to move to a bigger space and to expand the storage facilities", explains Sales Director Peter Jankowski. "The relocation will create an ideal working environment and pave the way for future growth".

ARCTIC currently has almost 30 employees in Braunschweig, four of whom only recently joined the company. The Marketing team was recently strengthened by Robert Philipp, Marketing Executive, and William Oppe, Junior Marketing Manager for Events and Sponsoring.

As part of the company reorganisation and the expansion of the management team, the new Analytic and Administration department was born, recently enlisting the support of Melanie Bargfeldt and Guillermo Torres as Data Analysts and Marketing and Sales assistants.